just for sh**s and giggles
i know this is a dumb question
Published on May 3, 2004 By marc mullins In Blogging
what is Trolling???????
on May 03, 2004
hopefully someone else can chime in with a better answer, but I'll give it a whirl.

Trolling is when you comment on someone's blog with something that is completely off topic or insulting.

I'm sure there's a more extensive definition out there, but the basic rule of thumb is to stick to the issue and be polite (I don't think you will have to worry about the latter, you appear very considerate.)
on May 03, 2004
If you read the responses to your last article, I think you'll find that an answer to that question has already been posted.

on May 03, 2004
Man, I hate black people and homosexuals, I wish they'd all just die.

on May 03, 2004

TROLLER!!!!!  Dan's a troller!!!!


Get the idea, marc?

on May 03, 2004
There is a great description can be found here. And while others have answered, this guys descriptions and art are just great.

on May 03, 2004
well thank you shadesofgrey
on May 03, 2004
thank you all!!!! yes i get the idea..............