just for sh**s and giggles
another attempt to change america.
Published on May 5, 2004 By marc mullins In Blogging
Don’t buy Pepsi in the new can.
Pepsi has a new "patriotic" can coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building and the
Pledge of Allegiance
on them.
However...Pepsi left out two "little words" in the pledge:
"Under God".
Pepsi said they did not want to offend anyone.
If this is true, then we shouldn’t want to offend anyone at the Pepsi Corporate Office.
If we do not buy their Pepsi product,
They will not be offended by receiving OUR money with the words "Under God

i got this today and thought it worth passing on.....

on May 05, 2004
Meh, I thought the United States was all about personal choice? I couldn't care less whether PepsiCo was run by people who believe in God or not. I just like their product.

And we really can't control the "In God We Trust" aspect about our money. It's not like the Christian politicians of our nation would stand for something as blasphemous as removing these four sacred words from our currency.

Just a thought.

-- B
on May 05, 2004
I don't like 'Americans' at the best of time. So many give the rest a bad name.
I must say that probably 98% of people that I know of on JU that are American I wouldn't descriminate against.

To the point.. The things that make me angry about your country though is when corporations and individuals do such stupid things like taking God out of schools and from the Pledge, giving a gun to any nut who can sign his name and general ignorance of the world outside of the USA.

Your country was founded on Christian beliefs. Don't they realise that removing Him from everyday life will weaken the foundation on which your country was created? If they tell Him to go away (no matter how subtle), he will. Then He won't be there to help out when needed.
on May 05, 2004
Your country was founded on Christian beliefs. Don't they realise that removing Him from everyday life will weaken the foundation on which your country was created? If they tell Him to go away (no matter how subtle), he will

i agree 100%
on May 05, 2004

The problem is- "God" wasn't originally in the pledge.  It was added quite awhile after the pledge was accepted.  So, they are really removing something that wasn't there to begin with.

Your country was founded on Christian beliefs. Don't they realise that removing Him from everyday life will weaken the foundation on which your country was created? If they tell Him to go away (no matter how subtle), he will. Then He won't be there to help out when needed.

America was founded to allow people to live where there was not religious persecution.  We are the melting pot.  People of many cultures are allowed to hold their own beliefs and practice their own religion.  *That* is what America is founded on.

on May 05, 2004
I don't neccisarily see it that way Theo. True, the USA was founded on Christian beliefs, but we are also about freedom of choice. Not everyone in America is aligned with a Christian religion. In that respect, why should the word of God be included in everything in *MY* life? I don't believe in God, or the afterlife or anything of that nature. Nobody is taking away from the word of God by excluding worship from public schools or removing the words "under God" from the pledge of allegiance (those two words weren't even added until the 1950's to begin with).

People are always free to worship in their homes and at churches, and even in public (except in schools, I think I'll write a blog about this). There is nothing in America that is prohibiting Christian-guided people to worship. If Christians are so wont to be reminded of God in every aspect of their life, then I wonder about how strong some of those people are that they *have* to be constantly reminded of their religion.

I won't disagree with you on the aspects of Americans being ignorant on matters outside of the USA though.

-- B
on May 05, 2004
Well, I have good news for everyone....this story is NOT true. According to snopes.com:

Claim: A new can design for Pepsi includes the text of the Pledge of Allegiance with the words "under God" omitted.

Status: False.

Origins: Although there once was some truth to the item quoted above, the information it contains is long outdated and never had anything to do with Pepsi or Coca-Cola. Neither soda company is producing, or has ever produced, redesigned cans bearing any portion of the Pledge of Allegiance or an image of the Empire State Building. This issue concerns a special patriotic can design produced by Dr Pepper back in November 2001, a can which was marketed for a limited time and has been off of store shelves since February 2002.

The brouhaha began in mid-November 2001, when the Dr Pepper soft drink company, in response to the terrorist attacks on America a few months earlier, introduced a new can design featuring the Statue of Liberty with the words "ONE NATION . . . INDIVISIBLE" from the Pledge of Allegiance displayed above it:

Dr Pepper did not print the entire Pledge of Allegiance on their cans while leaving out the words 'under God'; they invoked the Pledge of Allegiance by using a mere three words from the pledge. However, because the three words Dr Pepper chose to use were the words surrounding the phrase 'under God' (which was not itself part of the original pledge as written by Francis Bellamy in 1892; 'under God' was added to the pledge by an act of Congress in 1954) the new patriotic can design prompted calls for boycotts from some religious groups and news media who maintained that Dr Pepper had "omitted 'under God'" from their version of the Pledge (because it falls where Dr Pepper used ellipses) and publicized the issue by encouraging a campaign of sending e-mail and letters of complaint to the Dr Pepper company.

Although 18 million Dr Pepper cans bearing the new design had been produced by February 2002, the company said they had received only "four complaints from Dubuque" and "200 other negative comments nationwide," and the issue seemed to have largely disappeared along with the cans by March 2002. However, when a United States Court of Appeals handed down a decision regarding the constitutionality of the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance in June 2002, it breathed new life into the Dr. Pepper controversy even though the controversial cans had already been off store shelves for months.

However one feels about the Dr Pepper can design, writing to the company now and threatening to boycott them until they "put 'under God' back on their cans" is pointless. The patriotic "Pledge" can was produced only between November 2001 and February 2002, it was only sold in parts of twelve states, it has long since been retired, and it has not been available in stores since that one time

on May 05, 2004

If Christians are so wont to be reminded of God in every aspect of their life, then I wonder about how strong some of those people are that they *have* to be constantly reminded of their religion.

You took the words out of my mouth.

on May 05, 2004
Your country was founded on Christian beliefs. Don't they realise that removing Him from everyday life will weaken the foundation on which your country was created?

This is a common misconception about our country, even by those who live here. In truth, America was founded for religious freedom....to escape from a religion mandated by the government, and to be able to practice ANY religion we choose, or NO religion at all if we so choose. Religious freedom includes freedom FROM religion, which many tend to forget.
on May 05, 2004
and in the meantime real issues slip by the radar. I love Pepsi and will continue to drink it, although I'm in Canada where it's not an issue. It's not as silly here, religionwise.
on May 05, 2004
Thank you all for the great comments....i myself agree with 99% of you................I personaly feel the government should make up their minds one way or the other.......if they are going to seperate church and state the do it completely, if not then shut up about it.............Thats my opinion.
on May 05, 2004
thank you Poetmom99 , like i said i just got this sent to me today and didnt check it out was just passing it along............ made for a good chat though.....